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USB to Serial Adaptor Setup for Windows XP for Omniflex products

This article describes the once-off computer setup necessary to use Omniflex devices with a serial port using a USB to serial port adaptor. Follow the instructions listed here if you are a Microsoft Windows XP user. These steps will set up your computer to use a USB to Serial port adaptor in order to configure Omniflex devices using Omniset devices with a serial port.


It is recommended to use the USB to serial adaptor available from Omniflex.

To connect the USB to Serial Port adaptor to an Omniflex device, the following is necessary:

  • The CD packaged with the adaptor.

  • The USB to serial cable packaged with the product.

If the USB to serial port adaptor has already been installed, go to step 4.

USB Driver Setup

Insert the CD you received with the adaptor into the Optical Drive of the computer.

To setup USB on your computer, perform the following steps:

  1. Open Windows explorer and navigate to the product CD drive.

  2. Open the USB driver directory.

  3. If you are using Windows XP 32-bit, run the file ending in Setup.exe.

  4. If you are using Windows XP 64-bit, run the file ending in Setup_x64.exe.

  5. If you are unsure which one you are using, click the "Start" menu, right-click "My Computer" and select "Properties". This window will show you what version your computer is running.

  6. Follow the installer instructions.

  7. Once the installation is complete, connect the USB to serial port adaptor to a spare USB port on your computer.

  8. Connect the USB to serial adaptor into a spare USB port on your computer.

  9. Open the Device Manager:

    • Open the Start menu.

    • Under Settings, select the Control Panel.

    • Click on Performance and Maintenance. (If you do not see this option, skip to the next step.)

    • Select the System icon.

    • In the Systems Properties window, click on the Hardware tab.

    • Click the Device Manager button.

  10. In the Device Manager under "Ports (COM & LPT)", there now will be a COM port called the name of the adaptor such as "Moxa USB Serial Port (COMX)". Make a note of the number of the COM port.

  11. If the COM port number value is above 9 or the same as another COM port device, you will have to change the port number. If this is the case:

    • Double-click on the COM port. This will open the properties window.

    • Go to the tab "Port Settings".

    • Click Advanced.

    • In the Advanced settings window, there is a drop down box in the bottom left displaying the COM port number. Change this to a COM port number below 10.

  12. Make a note of the number of the COM port. You will need to know this number when setting up Omniset to use the COM port.

You have successfully installed the USB to Serial Port adaptor driver. Reboot your computer to ensure the setting changes have taken effect.





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