Web Based Remote Monitoring
Reliable Web based solutions for monitoring the condition or status of remote assets no matter where you or they are located.
Reliable Web based solutions for monitoring the condition or status of remote assets no matter where you or they are located.
SIL rated alarms systems, wireless telemetry and web based inventory tracking systems. Connects to your existing tank gauging.
Advanced proven Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems incorporating Remote Monitoring and Control. New or retrofit existing sites.
Specialised monitoring systems for Radiological environments including
nuclear power stations, storage facilities, PET
Centres etc.
Real time energy, water, gas, air and/or steam monitoring for industry, commercial buildings and campuses. Meets reporting standards and reduces cost.
Remote Temperature monitoring systems tailored for pharmaceutical and food industry applications from laboratories to warehousing. Meets reporting standards.
Process Alarm Systems to IEC61508 and Event recording to sub-millisecond resolution making plants safer and reducing downtime.
Upgrade your legacy alarm systems to current safety standards with minimum plant disruption. Custom solutions to suit individual needs.
Data2Desktop provides an end-to-end solution to your remote
monitoring needs. Data2Desktop relieves you of the technical
complexities of implementation, with rapid low risk deployment.
Turn your organisation into a Real Time Enterprise within days.
Remote Monitoring Specialists
Instrument PSUs
Priced to perfection
DIN Rail mounted
All Round Protection
Adjustable 24Vdc o/p
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Web based remote monitoring provides the most convenient and affordable method available today for remotely monitoring data. Omniflex Data2Desktop system interfaces to all types of sensor and combines with GSM and satellite technology to provide access to your data easily, cost effectively and securely.
Read more...Designed to be cost effective for your Instrument Panel Power Distribution Design, Powerterm P series offer highly reliable efficient panel power
Priced to meet even the tightest budget!
With the growing emphasis of functional safety and risk reduction, the alarm annunciator is an important tool in today environment to achieve safety objectives. For companies and COMAH establishments looking to upgrade their legacy alarm annunciator systems, Omniflex can provide cost effective retrofit replacements.
Read more...We at Omniflex believe that in order for you to optimise your business, you need to manage all aspects of it, and in order to manage it, you need to measure the key variables that will affect the outcome.
In many cases the points to measure are remotely located. Getting this information in real time, no matter where you or your point of interest is located is the challenge.
This is where Omniflex can help.
At Omniflex we are passionate about mastering the technology of remote monitoring to help you achieve your goal.
Our Mission:
To enable anyone to monitor anything
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