Web Based Remote Monitoring
Reliable Web based solutions for monitoring the condition or status of remote assets no matter where you or they are located.
PowerView iGAL CP Monitor - LTE (EMEA)
The PowerView iGAL Galvanic Cathodic Protection remote monitor is designed to provide remote monitoring and testing of galvanic cathodic protection installations. Suitable for Europe, Middle East and Africa. OverviewThis product has been superseded by the Model C6350C-141 The PowerView iGAL Galvanic Cathodic Protection remote monitor is designed to provide remote monitoring and testing of galvanic cathodic protection installations. This battery powered unit is supplied as a standalone unit or mounted in an optional weather-proof enclosure for easy installation close to the area of protection. See ordering information. This version is used in Middle East and Africa. Also available use in Australia and New Zealand; see Model C6350B-12. Monitoring Your Corrosion
Galvanic protection of concrete and steel structures provides a simple proven means of preventing corrosion by the installation of zinc based (or similar) anodes that are more electrochemically reactive than the steel in the structure. If the potential between the steel and the anodes is large enough, then the steel corrosion is halted.
But providing the ongoing assurance that the corrosion has been halted is a more complex process, often relying on the use of specialised measurements taken on site on a regular basis. The iGAL is designed to reduce the number of site visits over the life of the asset, providing a significant cost saving and at the same time providing an improved level of assurance that the asset remains protected. Web-based Logging and MonitoringThe Teleterm iGAL is compatible with the Data2Desktop CP Monitoring Web portal. An integrated wireless data link installed in the iGAL sends readings every day to the Data2Desktop website where it is logged and available from any browser for display, trending or downloading for reporting purposes. Temporary or Permanent InstallationsThe iGAL can be used temporarily after the initial installation to monitor the corrosion rates for a period to ensure that the system is performing as intended, or can be installed permanently, allowing the ongoing monitoring and verification of the performance of the system over many years. Anode Current Monitoring and SwitchingUp to four anode sets can be connected and monitored through the iGAL to the structure to allow the ongoing measurement of the current in the anodes. The anodes can be remotely disconnected from the structure to enable testing such as the measurement of instant off potentials of the steel and measurement of potentials over a longer depolarisation period. In addition, further anodes (unmonitored) can be connected through the iGAL so that testing can be performed with all anodes disconnected from the structure. Reference ElectrodesReference electrode half cells are used to measure the electrical potential of the steel in the structure with respect to the surrounding environment – a key indicator of the effectiveness of the cathodic protection. The Teleterm iGAL can monitor up to four reference electrodes using high impedance voltmeter technology. Corrosion CouponsThe iGAL also has four zero-resistance-ammeter inputs. These can be connected to corrosion coupons to directly measure the representative corrosion current in the structure. This can provide a more direct and alternative means of monitoring the rate of corrosion. Email and SMS AlarmsAlarms can be configured on the Data2Desktop Website to alert you when any parameter such as anode current or reference potential goes out of preset range. Temperature SensorAn internal temperature sensor on the iGAL allows the local temperature to be logged for more informed assessment of protection of the structure over varying temperatures. |