Web Based Remote Monitoring
Reliable Web based solutions for monitoring the condition or status of remote assets no matter where you or they are located.
EziFORTH Programmer's Workbench
The EziFORTH Programmer's Workbench is software that runs under Windows for developing control application programs using EziForth. Supplied on CD with Omniset PRO, EziTerm - Terminal Emulator, EziEdit, EziForth Editor & Downloader for Eziforth Programs. The Omniflex EziFORTH Programmer's Workbench is development software that runs under Microsoft Windows for developing control application programs using the EziForth programming language. These application programs can be run on a range of Omniflex products such as the 'T' range of Maxiflex CPU Process Automation Controllers, the range of Maxiflex Network Interface Modules, and the Teleterm M2 range of RTUs. Consult your Omniflex distributor for a list of available products. For program development, the Programmer's Workbench provides a powerful and intuitive Windows based textual editor and terminal emulator with syntax checking and colour coding, for enhanced ease of use. Bundled with the Omniflex EziFORTH Programmer's Workbench is the powerful but easy to use Omniset Pro configuration utility allowing complete control of software programming and configuration extensions for your entire network without leaving the Workbench environment. The Workbench communicates with the target processor through a communications server installed with the workbench. This communications server provides the ability to download, monitor and debug programs remotely over any of the supported networks. The Omniflex EziFORTH Programmer's Workbench offers the following features:
[This product replaces Conet Explorer - Model CC007] |