Web Based Remote Monitoring
Reliable Web based solutions for monitoring the condition or status of remote assets no matter where you or they are located.
The Maxiflex 4PI Module is used to monitor dual inputs from up to four flow meters and to detect and correct errors in the input pulse streams. The module is designed to achieve the functionality of Level A security requirements of specification ISO 6551 The primary function of the Maxiflex M1713B 4PI Module is to monitor dual inputs from up to four oil/gas turbine flow meters and to detect and correct errors in the input pulse streams, and totalise the pulses. The module meets the Level A security requirements of specification ISO 6551:
ISO6551 recommends specific techniques to be employed in the quantitative measurement of petroleum products when royalty, fiscal and custody transfer accounting is required. Five levels of security are specified by this standard, with level A being the most stringent. When configured for Level A security, the Maxiflex M1713B 4PI module will continuously verify and correct pulse counts received from the flow meters. This module uses sophisticated correlation techniques in real time to compare the pulse streams and detect missing or added pulses, and accumulates all errors detected and corrected for reporting to the Maxiflex CPU. This module also provides a pulse output signal selectable from any of the input pulse streams for use with the Maxiflex M1714A Meter Prover module. A wide range of turbine meter inputs can be accommodated, with any phase. When used with 90 degree phase shifted dual pulse streams, forward and reverse flow is totalised separately. |