Alarms monitored over Site Trunk Radio using MAP27

Omniflex recently completed a project interfacing their Maxiflex I/O System to a site-wide trunk radio system, maximising the available capacity of the communications channel.

In typical trunk radio systems, groups of users are given a logical talkgroup to share for their communications, rather than a dedicated radio frequency. The Maxiflex I/O system sends pre-programmed alarm status messages to a trunk radio using the MAP27 protocol, this then transmits to operators with designated trunk radios who receive the alarm information immediately. The operator is then required to return to base to acknowledge and attend to the alarm.

If the operator does not return to base to acknowledge the alarm within a set time period the Maxiflex system re-transmits the alarm until the alarm is finally acknowledged by the operator.

Omniflex are specialists in alarm event management applications. Please contact Omniflex for more information on these products and a free consultation to find a solution to your alarm management needs.

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